Sunday, January 05, 2014

Theories of Dreams

In the literature of dreams exist countless theories regarding their meaning. Which theory are you to believe? Each dreamer must eventually face this question. You can't believe in every theory as such a view would only lead to madness. You must personally decide the meaning of dreams, and their relationship to waking life. Some believe dreams lack meaning. Others believe they express omens from the gods. Still others believe they contain messages of repressed desires. What do you believe?
Each viewpoint on dreams arises from a bed of beliefs. Beliefs making up a theory, a theory of dreams. Your beliefs act like a lens focusing all that you see, both physically and while you experience dream sleep. So decide on those theories, those ideas you will use when looking inward. Your dream beliefs reveal which brand of lens you use when looking inward. They will reveal what kind of tint you put on your dream time experiences.

I have never found an ultimate theory, an ultimate explanation for the experience of dreams. I have found a multiplicity of explanations that seem to work for different people. Perhaps, we are each meant to have a different theory of dreams. A unique perspective where we have taken ideas from different theories to create a lens that can look inward.

Saturday, May 09, 2009

Residents of other timelines

As we travel through the multiverse we have a home timeline from which other timelines branch. Those corresponding branch timelines have residents that are alternate versions of those individuals with which we share our home timeline. Those alternate individuals are residents of their respective timelimes even as we are residents of our home timeline.

Residents of nearby timelines tend to have more in common with each other than those residents of more distant timelines that frequently have arisen from splits in the distant past.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Reincarnation in a multiverse

In a multiverse, incarnations can occur not only in the past or future of a spirit's current timeline but in the past and futures of alternate timelines. A limitless number of these alternate timelines exist and would naturally branch at any point a spirit was incarnated into them.

Your area within your current timeline I refer to as your 'worldline' which you perceive as your 'worldview'.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

New Year Message - The Metamorphus Continues

The metamorphous continues as ideas cross borders at an ever increasing pace. Newspaper sales generally decline yet the number of contributors to public dialogue grows exponentially through blogs and comments. Opinion driven websites multiply too. YouTube channels challenge television channels for viewers.

An information blizzard envelopes the planet; leaders arise riding the waves of media public interest. Lost in a fog of information unsuccessfully seeking homeostasis; we crash land into 2009.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

New version of idea pyramid

I published a new version of idea pyramid today at that I have been working on over the past year. This version improves on the conceptualization of the individual's place in a multiverse. Ideas regarding 'fate' are expanded into a concept called 'My time track' that uses a multiverse model to explain how we move through endless possibilities.

The conceptualization of a one's collective life is also further expanded to in an effort to help us move more effectively through the many levels of our social lives real and possible.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

A blueprint of ideas

Mystery's Idea Pyramid grew out of a project I began in 1993 to write out my "beliefs" so that I would know exactly what they were. I have been refining those beliefs ever since.

An idea pyramid is a structure that can be used to help enhance the blueprint of beliefs in your mind. I have found other blueprints either poorly developed or inadequate for my purposes so I have felt compelled to develop a better one. This idea pyramid is not complete, but many parts have been stable for many years. I continue to develop it.

Monday, September 11, 2006


Understanding the mystery has never been harder.